Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Xiangya Hospital to treat a case of bird flu patients are basically stable patients

2009年02月02日17:11 浏览次数: At 17:11 on February 2, 2009 Views: Times

根据湖南省卫生厅1月31日通报,我省新确诊一例人感染高致病性禽流感病例,患者为21岁女性,目前,经湘雅医院医院医务人员的全力抢救,患者病情已基本得到控制,临床症状明显好转。 Hunan Provincial Department of Health under the January 31 briefing, the new province confirmed case of human infection of highly pathogenic avian influenza cases, the patient was 21-year-old female, at present, by the Xiangya Hospital Medical rescue personnel, patients had been basically brought under control, a marked improvement of clinical symptoms. 医务人员仍在对其进行积极救治。 Medical personnel are still on their active treatment.
1月28日晚10点左右,卫生厅电话通知医院总值班怀化市溆浦县有一禽流感疑似患者将于当晚转到湘雅医院治疗,院总值班立即通报了医务部雷光华主任,雷主任和卫生厅取得联系,了解具体情况后马上请示孙维佳副院长,并拟定接收方案,由医务部蒋荣鑫副主任具体负责安排接诊工作。 The evening of January 28 about 10 o'clock, Health Department Phone duty to give the hospitals a total of Huaihua City溆浦县there is a suspected bird flu patients will be transferred to the evening Xiangya Hospital, the hospital reported a total duty of the Medical Department immediately华主任LEI,雷主任and Health Department to contact, understanding the specific circumstances of孙维佳instructions immediately after the vice president, and the development of the receiving program, by the deputy director of the Medical Department of蒋荣鑫specific reception is responsible for arranging work. 医院立即开放了38病室——人禽流感留观与收治病房,医务部立即召集相关专家组成诊治专家组、医疗组、护理组和消毒隔离组,管理人员各组的同志们反应迅速,及时到位,立即开展工作。 Hospital immediately, opening up room for 38 patients - human avian influenza and hospital observation ward, the Medical Department of the immediate diagnosis and treatment of experts convened by the relevant expert groups, medical groups, nursing and disinfection and isolation group, managers in each group comrades responded quickly and promptly in place immediately to work.

卫生厅领导和湘雅医院领导、专家看望慰问患者 Health Department leadership and the leadership of Xiangya Hospital, the experts called on patients condolences

患者于1月23日在溆浦县发病,在当地医院进行治疗,因病情加重,疑似感染高致病性禽流感。 Patients on January 23 in溆浦县disease, at a local hospital for treatment, because of illness, suspected infection of highly pathogenic avian influenza. 29日早晨7时左右,患者急转入湘雅医院。 At 7:00 on the 29th about anxious patients into Xiangya Hospital. 该院通过绿色通道收住38病室。 Hospital admission through the green channel 38 patients living room. 医生立即对患者进行了全面的诊查,制定了合理的诊治方案;并对患者家属(密切接触者)隔离进行医学观察,配合疾控部门做好流调及采样工作,对患者及家属就餐等生活问题做了妥善安排。 Patients with a doctor immediately conducted a thorough checkups to formulate a reasonable diagnosis and treatment programs; and patients with family members (close contact) isolation for medical observation, with the disease control department to properly carry out the work flow transfer and sampling of patients and their families eat, etc. life issues made proper arrangements.
29日上午,医务部和院感中心对病房的消毒隔离工作进一步做了调整,以充分保证布局合理、分区明确、防护用品和消毒设备齐全,防护措施到位,尽可能完善了禽流感救治病房的消毒隔离措施,确保不发生院内交叉感染事件。 29 am, the Medical Department and the Hospital Center of flu disinfection and isolation wards have been adjusted further in order to fully guarantee the rational layout, area clear, protective equipment and disinfection equipment, protective measures are in place, as far as possible, improve the treatment of avian flu wards of disinfection and isolation measures to ensure that no incidents of nosocomial cross-infection. 下午4时,卫生部派出的两位专家到达湘雅医院,在孙维佳副院长的主持下与该院专家一起进行了病例讨论,进一步优化了诊治方案。 16:00, the Ministry of Health sent two experts to达湘雅hospital,孙维佳vice president with the hospital under the auspices of experts to discuss a case, further optimization of the treatment program.

湘雅医院院领导向卫生厅领导汇报禽流感患者的救治情况 Xiangya hospital leadership led to the Health Department report on the treatment of patients with avian flu cases

30日下午4时国家CDC检测证实该患者为人禽流感病毒感染,湘雅医院与卫生部专家一道确定继续原治疗方案,并准备将卫生部专家带来的人禽流感高效价血浆输给病人,因血型不合放弃使用。 At 16 o'clock on the 30th national CDC testing confirmed that the patients with human infection with avian influenza, Xiangya Hospital, together with the Ministry of Health experts continue to determine the original treatment plan, and prepared to the Ministry of Health experts who brought the bird flu patients lost to efficient price of plasma, due to renounce the use of ABO. 医院继续加大病房消毒隔离和医务人员个人防护的督察力度,严防院内交叉感染。 Hospitals continue to intensify disinfection and isolation wards and medical staff of the Inspector of personal protective efforts to prevent nosocomial cross-infection. 31日省内专家讨论后决定上报为人禽流感确诊病例。 31, the province of experts decided to report confirmed cases of human avian influenza. 医务部和专家组专家继续坚持每日两次查房。 Medical experts and the Expert Group to continue to insist on twice-daily rounds.
据湘雅医院医务部主任雷光华教授介绍,通过医务人员的精心治疗和护理,目前病人的病情已经基本稳定,临床症状明显好转,呼吸平稳,体温也已恢复正常。 According to the Department of Xiangya Hospital Medical Director Professor Lei Guanghua, the medical staff through the careful treatment and care, at present the patient's condition has been basically stable, a notable improvement in clinical symptoms, breathing steady, the body temperature has returned to normal. 病人的血压、心跳、血氧饱和度都比较平稳,精神状态和食欲也较以前有所好转,康复希望较大。 The patient's blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation are relatively stable, mental state and loss of appetite also improved than before, rehabilitation would like larger.

患者在湘雅医院专门的病房接受治疗 Xiangya Hospital patients in specialized wards for treatment

2月1日,湖南省卫生厅党组书记肖策群在医政处陈卫红处长、厅办公室刘后红主任等的陪同下,来到医院进一步了解患者病情和治疗情况,并在院党委书记唐友云教授、院长陈方平教授、副院长孙维佳教授等的陪同下,穿上隔离防护服,到患者床旁慰问和看望患者。 February 1, party group secretary of Hunan Provincial Department of Health policy group in the Bureau of Medical Affairs Xiao Chen Weihong Director, Office of the Office of Liu Hung, director, etc., accompanied by the hospital came to a better understanding and treatment of patients, and party secretary of the hospital Professor Tang Youyun, Dean Professor Chen Fangping, Vice-President Professor Sun Weijia, etc., accompanied by isolation to wear protective clothing, to the bedside of patients with condolences and to see patients. 患者见到这么多的领导和专家都来关心她,又惊又喜。 Patients to see so many leaders and experts have come to care for her, surprised. 卫生厅肖策群书记关切地问道“感觉怎么样?院长都来看你了!”患者很是感动地说:“今天我感觉轻松多了!这么多的领导关心我呀,谢谢领导的关心啊!”陈方平院长也询问:“你在哪里工作?”患者答道“我年前在广东打工。”陈院长又问“那你还想去吗?”患者很是乐观地笑着说“好了我就去,要是今天能去,今天都想去啊!” 在严肃的监护病房,也犹如一股暖暖的春风流动,不时传出阵阵爽朗的笑声。 Health Department secretary Xiao Qun Ce concern asked, "how to feel? President of all look at you!" Patients are moved to say: "Today I feel more relaxed! So many to care more about me, I would like to thank the leadership of the care ah ! "Chen Fangping president also asked:" Where are you working? "patient replied" I am working years ago in Guangdong. "陈院长asked" That you still want it? "very optimistic patients said with a smile" Well I went, if this could go, ah want to go today! "ICU in serious but also like a warm spring breeze flows, from time to time reported bursts of hearty laughter.

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