Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Indo: East Java - VIRUS ON Cautious of poultry

[From yesterday:

Tuesday, 03 February 2009 14:35
Banyuwangi. For most people who have Banyuwangi type of pet birds are expected to always consider the health condition of poultry into peliharaannya. This conclusion was taken from the many cases tens of birds died suddenly in Banyuwangi Regency. Anticipated to be a very important thing to push the rate transmission.

After 50 cases of chickens died suddenly Sumberejo Kelurahan, Kecamatan Banyuwangi. This time, a similar incident also occurred in District Wongsorejo. At least ten chickens died suddenly also found in Hamlet Umbul, Alasbuluh Village, District Wongsorejo, Banyuwangi.

According Kabid Health Animal Husbandry Department in Banyuwangi, drh. Satriyo Aribowo, in conditions like this is a virus spread quickly, so that spraying is a step that must be done. Area which have a positive bird flu, immediately cleared the way sprayed. For, at this time virusnya more sophisticated, so the chicken does not die suddenly appeared discrete bird flu.

To anticipate the case - it is not desired, the Animal Husbandry Banyuwangi Regency provides 200 liters disinfektan adequate for several months. In addition, residents are asked to be alert and always keep the distance and keep the birds.

As for how - how this disease is prevention of the Ministry of Health are as follows:

Everyone associated with the material that comes from the channel digested poultry must use masks (mask, glasses pool);

Material that comes from the channel digested poultry feces as well be to manage (planted / burned) in order not to become a source of transmission for people around;
Equipment used in livestock must be washed with disinfectant;
Kandang {enclosure/storage area} feces and can not be excluded from the location of livestock;

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