Wednesday, November 19, 2008

patients Suspect Flu Burung Bertambah MAKASSAR

[2 new patients in Makassar]

Patients Suspect Flu Burung Bertambah MAKASSAR

On Thursday, 20-11-2008 , BKM -- The Number Of patients suspect bird flu that was treated in the Pusat Public Hospital (RSUP) Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo continued to improve. After beforehand enters 17 people, currently improved again two people. They were carried his family on Tuesday (18/11). Both of them that still these children is there Ikbal (6) and Karmila (3). Ikbal still related with Ilham, the patient suspect bird flu that more first entered RS Wahidin.

While Karmila was the child from the resident around the Sudiang District. The Director was Umum and Operational RS Wahidin, Dr Khalid that was contacted the night earlier, said the condition for the two children who just entered that has been enough to improve compared to two the previous day. He while being handled intensively and being isolated in the ferns building, the place of the handling of the patient suspect bird flu. The "sample" of "his blood has also been taken by the Service of Kesehatan South Sulawesi." Information that I could, the sample of this blood has been sent to Jakarta, said Dr Khalid that also the Team of the Control of RS Bird Flu. Now 17 patients suspect other bird flu was still continuing to be isolated. That was done, because of not yet having the official report on results of the sample inspection of blood. Because of this did not yet have the time target when this patient was returned. We were still being waiting for results. So the patient was not yet returned. His condition was still continuing to be monitored, obviously him. Information that was received by BKM, Health Minister Dr Fadillah Supari is scheduled to visit to RS Wahidin today, on Thursday (20/11). However Dr Khaliq still could not ascertain him, what was the plan to be or be cancelled.


Commonground said...

From my notes:

“Two families that were other”: Yohani & Irwan.
Irwan (5/6/8), (12.00) (blood sent) Isolation/observe, RS Wahidin.
Johani (60)/Yohani (50). (12.00) (blood sent) Isolaltion/observe, RS Wahidin

So Ikbal (6) is a sibbling of Irwan.

Commonground said...

We have another suspect case. The sibbling of a previous suspect case. With an interval between onset of symptoms of approximately 6 days.

We know that the blood was drawn from 5 out of the original 6 reported. Now we have another.

We can also say with confidence, that they were all put on Tamiflu, including the parents.

So I can only wonder why...the Tamiflu is not working.