Sunday, November 16, 2008

Semarang: Control the Poultry Slaughterhouse in Settlement

[pemotongan unggas (RPU) = Slaughter Poultry/Slaughter houses]
Sabtu, 15 November 2008

The Semarang Municipal Government promised immediately to put the reduction house in the poultry into order (RPU) that was pointed out by the lustre in the densely-populated settlement. Moreover their existence was it was warned wild, did not pocket permission from the Pertanian Service.

The firm Municipal Government step followed the status of the Luar Biasa Incident (KLB) bird flu pascameninggal him the resident RW 01 Siwalan, Gayamsari, bernisial DS, 15, that was positive terjangkit the virus of Avian Influenza (AI). Around the DS residence, there were 3 of RPU. Diduga DS was affected by the AI virus from the poultry that was carried headed and went out this RPU. In accordance with the rule, RPU might not be in the middle of the settlement. Because potential menganggu the resident around. The guardian of the Sukawi Sutarip City stressed, all the reduction efforts in the poultry will in the Semarang City be moved to RPU Penggaron that currently is built. Including, moved the Unggas Rejomulyo Market to RPU Penggaron. "All will be controlled by us, including the available poultry abattoir in the settlement for the sake of the safety together," said Sukawi to the reporter last Friday (14/11).

More at site.

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