Saturday, June 13, 2009

Current List for South Sinai & Kafr El-Sheikh

Current list for recent suspected cases:

South Sinai: Tested Negative

Hospital diets police custody on suspicion of swine flu

Detained hospital fevers Kafr Al-Sheikh Mahfouz Ramadan citizen on suspicion of swine flu.

وقالت سوزان أبو السبع مدير المستشفى : إن "السعيد رمضان": يبلغ من العمر 30 عامًا من مركز قلين، وهو شرطي يعمل في مديرية أمن جنوب سيناء"، مضيفةً أن هناك اشتباهًا في أنه أُصيب أثناء مخالطته بالسياح.

Said Susan Abu seven director of the hospital: the "Happy Ramadan": at the age of 30 years of Kulain Center, a police officer working security at the Directorate of South Sinai, "she reveals that he was in during the coming tourists.

hat-tip Helblindi

Egypt: 6 injured in Kafr El-Sheikh for bird flu, 1 in Kafr El-Sheikh for Swine Flu


في الوقت نفسه تقرر خروج رضا السيد عباس (28 عامًا) والسيد
At the same time decided to get out Mr. Abbas Ridha (28 years) and Mr. Mahrus Ramadan (30 years) from the hospital after testing negative sample taken at each but Chtbah bird flu pigs . .
And this list of suspected bf cases in Kafr El-Sheikh & one for SF:

June 12
Ahmed Bassiouni,
Mohamed Shuaib Ahmed,
Fatima Ahmed Al-Hamad,
Mitwalli Yusuf,
security Magdy Abdel-Fattah,
Abdul Muti Zhzhanp Mercy

June 12 &
Swine Flu
Saad Youssef Khalil (65)/Mohammed Masood, (65), employees Pension
From: city of Kafr el-Sheikh
Notes: Returning from Umra Saudi land

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